Friday 18 February 2011


"Tidak beriman seseorang kamu kecuali aku lebih dicintai daripada kedua ibu bapanya, anak dan manusia keseluruhannya". ~ Nabi Muhammad SAW

Salam Maulidur Rasul to all my muslim readers and friends. May we all have a blessed Maulidur Rasul!

The teaching of the Prophet (SAW) embeds in our hearts love, forgiveness and tolerance; and embellishes our souls with excellence of conduct. The Prophet (SAW) said: “You do not touch people with your money but with your welcoming face and behaviour”.

We all love our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Through his excellent morals and conduct, he earned the love of everyone.

Salam Ukhuwah..~
"Tidak beriman seseorang kamu kecuali aku lebih dicintai daripada kedua ibu bapanya, anak dan manusia keseluruhannya". ~ Nabi Muhammad SAW Salam Maulidur Rasul to all my muslim readers and friends. May we all have a blessed Maulidur Rasul! The teaching of the Prophet (SAW) embeds in our hearts love, forgiveness and tolerance; and embellishes our souls with excellence of conduct. The Prophet (SAW) said: “You do not touch people with your money but with your welcoming face and behaviour”. We all love our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Through his excellent morals and conduct, he earned the love of everyone. Salam Ukhuwah..~

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